
Want to get in contact?

I will attempt to reply to as many emails as possible. Please use the applicable email.


Are you a company that wants to get in contact? Email me at

General Questions:

If you have general questions about my projects, feel free to contact me through Social Media or email me at

Where to buy my projects?

Have you seen a project that you like, and want to buy one? I can't guarantee that I'm willing to sell it, but check the project's page, and see if I'm willing to sell it!

If the project lead you here, email to ask if you can buy one. Note that even if I was willing to sell a project, I may not have stock, and may not be interested to sell anymore.

Why won't you sell every project?

There's a few reasons, but mainly, it's sometimes just not worth my time, or I don't feel like it was a good enough project to support.

Do you take Commissions?

I currently don't, nor would I take commissions for Electronics projects. Quite frankly, I'm not very interested in designing someone else's electronics in my spare time. I have enough of my own electronics projects to do. There's a few other reasons as well, however it's all to say that I'm not going to do Electronics commissions.

I might be interested in doing other commissions though, specifically for Lego Brickheadz designs. I enjoy these and depending on your requirements, I might be open to doing commissions. I don't have pricing currently, so email me at to ask.